EarthQuake in China | China in Earth quake | Today map in China | Due to earth quake

Happening of earth quake  in China event stuns all over people in sad & sorrow throughout the World

In Tibetan mountain regions were mostly struggled by earth
quake which happened before an two hour.In this year many shocks to many country those which struggling with these type of nature colomotives,

First, Haiti, then Chile, Turkey, California, Mexico, and then now China.Before the big shock 6.9 magnitude, Southern China had a 5.0 earthquake.

Another strong earthquake shock the world. This time is in China specifically in Qinghai province. It is a 6.9 magnitude earthquake and officials reported that at least 300 people have died and thousands are feared hurt. The quake hit remote Yushu county, 500km (310 miles) south-west of provincial capital Xining, at 0749 , at a shallow depth of 10km.
“Soldiers have been dispatched to save the people buried in the collapsed houses,” local official Huang Limin was quoted as saying by China’s state news agency Xinhua. 85% of buildings in Jiegu town near the epicentre had collapsed. “The streets in Jiegu are thronged with panic – injured people, with many bleeding in the head,” Zhuo Huaxia told Xinhua. “Many students are buried under the debris due to building collapse at a vocational school.”


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